Our Approach

classic conversations rebooted for the


Our approach aims to decrease youth anxiety and emotional defense mechanisms through preventative intervention strategies. Designed specifically for digital natives aged 4-13, our programs better youth-peer connections and strengthen relationships with parents, trusted adults, and teachers.

Why is this important?

Simply put, children are more anxious than ever before as antiquated learning methods struggle to address modern problems.


Our Programs

Evidence-based methods developed alongside psychiatrists, psychologists, field experts, and scientists.

We envision a transparent, authentic, and honest space to ask questions, learn, and build the confidence to navigate life’s heavy moments and current paradigm shift.



a curricula fueled by words and actions that matter

Our SPOTLIGHTcon·ver·sa·tion program is a multi-step journey to positively impact the youth mental health crisis through the expansion of literacy, communication skills, and the enhancement of adult/youth conversations.


STEP 1 - SPOTLIGHT dic·tion·ar·y

We categorize and pair words into subjects, causes, and topics so that young readers can discover and gain background knowledge around a set of vocabulary words that often appear in the same context. Once a young person understands the convention of language, he or she can manage larger global conversations and digest important guidelines around healthy and safer environments. This process increases our ability to communicate and relate to the world around us. The dictionary serves as our foundation to support the growth of confident and empowered young advocates.

STEP 2 - SPOTLIGHT li·brar·y

We develop the meaning and emotion behind a featured dictionary word through a curated book collection. This tangible set is complemented by a digitized immersible experience around the stories. The focus of the library is to tackle learning lessons that are important for character development. The categories of the books include tough life moments that create big emotions and mental conflict including grief, loss, divorce, and separation. We also focus on individual development through self-awareness and increased social-emotional development. These stories also increase community development through diversity and global thinking. Lastly, the libraries include important discourse around the current digital environment with forethought on technology, social media, gaming, and more. The libraries provide a physical, age-appropriate asset to stengthen literacy, increase background knowledge, and provide a conversational connector.

STEP3 - SPOTLIGHT con·nec·tion

Within each topic, we globalize the subject to connect self to the environment. This element of personalization fuses passion-problem-purpose-rehabilitation to increase resilience while building a sense of global, social, and enironmental stewardship. We model connection from vast entry points - verbal and non-verbal. Through storytelling using written and spoken word, art, dance, music, and physical exertion, youth begin to reach out, collaborate, and drive their own advocacy to create impact.

STEP 4 - SPOTLIGHT con·ver·sa·tion

Through case scenarios, role playing activities, question & answer circles with field experts, youth and adults form stronger bonds and respect for each another. Perspective expands because all parties engage. Conversation inspires thought-provoking questions which leads to powerful moments of reflection. These conversations reduce social-isolation, foster social-skills, build empathy, and inspire acts of kindness. It is a curricula that is an essential friendship toolkit that spurs lifelong success.

Our mission is further developed through our youth leadership program, community events, and commitment to building healthy technology habits into our strategy and communication efforts.


Youth Leadership Development

Entrepreneurial Service Learning

We develop civic engagement, interpersonal skills, and community investment through a youth-driven leadership development program called the CareFair. The program introduces partner nonprofits to youth through engaging events and experiences where kids can learn more about community needs and find inspiration from each organization’s missions. Youth develop self-directed business models with the aid of mentors, parents, and an online toolset to raise money and awareness for a selected cause.


Community Coop

Workshops, experiences, events, and Podcast

We develop workshops, experiences, and events that build community and provide avenues for deeper conversation, reflection, and understanding of need and action. The Coop brings together community leaders, other nonprofits, and businesses to merge facets of the community into an altruistic matrix. The goal of the workshops, experiences, and events is to create safer environments, shift possibilities, open doors of opportunity with unique volunteerism, and make memorable impressions.