Beach Roll 2019

Sponsorship Prospectus

INLIGHT INSTITUTE presents the second annual Beach Roll to bring together members of the community including young families, professional athletes, and first-responders for an inspired “march for kindness.” The event’s mission is to encourage healthier parenting habits, teach civics engagement from a young age, and to strengthen family and community bonds.


September 29, 2019

Location: Catamaran Resort

Time: 11 am-4 pm

The Beach Roll culminates with a celebratory beach bbq, family-oriented games, and imaginative surprises.

Here’s what last year’s parents had to say about the event:

My daughter left giddy with excitement but also empowered. We credit her increase in confidence and respect with this impactful party.
— Sarah, 38
My grandkids eyes light up with excitement when we talk about being kind to others. They consistently reference the Beach Roll as an event that made their community nicer.
— Susan, 63

Here’s what last year’s kids had to say about the event:

I would do anything to go to another party like that. I loved our scooter parade.
— Gerard, 10
It was the best day of my life. I wish I could repeat it every day.
— Jackson, 9




Our audience is families with pre-kindergarten, elementary to middle school-aged children.



Generational: Aged 35-48 years old, our event reaches both Millennial and GenX. Nearly 15% of families brought a grandparent.

Gender: 58% Female, 42% Male

Income: Parents who attend this event have a median household income +$80,000.

Education: Most parents who attend this event have at least a college degree.

Geography: Parents who attend this event primarily live in North County Coastal concentrated in La Jolla, North Pacific Beach, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Cardiff, Encinitas, and Carlsbad


If you want to reach Moms and Dads who are active parents, who seek outdoor activities when choosing family outings, and who enjoy a coastal living experience, please get in touch to discuss how you can activate at our event.




Generational: GenZ and a still “to-be-defined generation.”

Gender: 52% Female, 48% Male

Purchasing Power: US kids age 11 and under wield $1.2 trillion in annual purchasing power in direct and indirect spending. Their opinions today will influence consumer trends far into the future, as 25% of brand preferences persist to adulthood.

School Level: Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School with a mix of private and public school enrollment.


Why the Beach Roll?

Our event is fueled by positive messaging to encourage youth to become engaged citizens. We meet the kids where they are developmentally and spark age-appropriate conversations. We select entertainment that stirs the imagination and provide onsite activities to develop character centered on these themes:

kindness - connection - conservation - wonder - exploration - social-communication skills - advocacy - ethos - empathy - exuberance - literacy - self-expression - confidence - purpose

Most importantly, we let kids be kids.



Schedule of Events

11:oo am

11:00 am: Guests meet at our event location to register. Sign-making supplies are available for families to create positive posters to carry or attach to their bicycles, scooters, surreys, or other mode of sustainable transportation. This activity builds literacy and allows for creative self-expression through art. Our sign-making director encourages conversations around the act of advocacy, empathy, and purpose during this activity.
Our silent auction and raffle sales opens with proceeds going to benefit the Inlight Institute.
11:45 am: Our executive director and guest speaker officially welcome our guests. (tbd)
12:00 pm: Our youth entertainment takes the spotlight to engage our guests in dance as we rev up to hit the pavement to promote kindness.
12:15 pm: Our families hit the pavement and embark on a roll around the boardwalk to spread their message. The beach roll encourages youth exuberance and empowers children to use their voice, a process which helps to develop social-communication skills.
12:45 pm: Our guests return to partake in a beach bbq, play lawn games, and throw passes with retired professional athletes. Playing outside builds confidence and encourages connection.
2:00 pm: Our sandcastle workshop begins. This activity develops gross motor skills, builds concentration, improves cognitive development, and promotes social interaction and collaboration. Time spent on the beach sparks conversations around conservation and ethos while stimulating a child's sense of wonder and exploration.
3:00 pm: Our interactive storytelling hour kicks off with a creative visualization activity that leads to a mermaid sighting. This appearance encourages children to use their imagination, stimulates all five senses, helps to regulate emotions, and relieve anxiety.
4:00 pm: Our event ends with an encouraging farewell and sticker packs so that participants can continue to promote kindness on their terms.




Our partners are committed to our mission and to cultivating relationships. We are thrilled to announce our 2019 partners.

Nonprofit and Youth Club partners: Sandy Hook Promise, Skate Rising and Team Dance Hip Hop

Community partner: San Diego Firefighters

Media Partners: Coming Soon (see our media roll from last year’s event below)




Sponsorship Levels


Kindness Partner - 4x Recognition

  • Logo branding for Beach Roll + Q4 Events: October Adrenaline Rush + November Care Fair + December Conscious Market
  • Logo on email marketing communication newsletters for Beach Roll & Q4 events
  • Logo on the Beach Roll dedicated event page on website + Care Fair dedicated event page
  • Logo on the Beach Roll Facebook event page + Q4 Facebook Event pages
  • Publicly thanked at event
  • Dedicated promotion table at Beach Roll Event
  • Logo on Welcome Sign at event
  • 1 Parent and 1 Child Ticket to Beach Roll
  • Logo on Beach Roll Evite + Q4 event evites
  • Logo on Flyers distributed before the Beach Roll and Care Fair
  • Logo on Beach Roll email marketing reminders and post-event wrap up email
  • Logo printed inside Beach Roll and Care Fair Event "Passport Kit" which is an interactive guide to the event with ideas for using lessons learned after the event (distributed to youth guests at events)

Connection Sponsor

  • Logo on the Beach Roll dedicated event page on website
  • Logo on the Beach Roll Facebook event page
  • Logo on the Welcome Sign at event
  • 1 Parent ticket and 1 child ticket to Beach Roll
  • Logo on Beach Roll Evite

In-Kind Donations and Event Activations

Contact us to discuss in more detail.


Passion Sponsor

  • Logo on the Beach Roll dedicated event page on website
  • Logo on the Beach Roll Facebook event page
  • Publicly thanked at event
  • Dedicated promotion table at event
  • Logo on Welcome Sign at event
  • 1 Parent Ticket and 1 Child Ticket to Beach Roll
  • Logo on Beach Roll Evite
  • Logo on Flyers distributed before the Beach Roll
  • Logo on Beach Roll email marketing reminders and post-event wrap up email
  • Logo printed inside Beach Roll Event "Passport Kit" which is an interactive guide to the event with ideas for using lessons learned after the event.
  • ADD AN ACTIVATION for $350

Action Sponsor

  • Logo on Welcome Sign
  • Logo on Beach Roll Evite


Media Partner

Contact us to discuss in more detail.



2018 Highlights


Check out our ABC10 news segment and event highlight reel.